Yellow gentian
Family : gentianaceae
Category : perennial
Height : 50 to 180 cm
Color : yellow
Flowering : June to August
Habitat : between 1000 and 2500 m
Protection : yes
Toxicity : no
Frequency : frequent
Yellow gentian can not be confused with other gentianaceae because of its shape and, especially, its high size. The yellow flowers are jammed in "storey" just above the opposite leaves; the petals are free and not welded in tube. Generally, there is a multitude of insects around the flower stalk. In the soil, bulky rhizomes develop which, each year, reconstitute an aerial stem. These rhizomes are rich in starch and sugar and their pulp gives, by fermentation, an alcohol belonging to various aperitifs (Suze, Bonnal, ...). The harvest of the rhizomes produces an income for certain regions (Massif Central) where these gentians are sometimes cultivated.
Yellow gentian root has been used for a long time by mountaineers to make a thirst-quenching drink consumed during hard summer work. The history of gentian, a typical plant of the middle European mountains, goes back at least to Greek antiquity. Over the centuries, its healing properties have been the subject of beliefs, myths and legends of the strangest. The gentian would take its name from gentius, the famous king of Illyria who would have discovered it. In the Middle Ages, it was considered a panacea and was part of the composition of miracle cures. A few centuries later, in the eighteenth century, it was said that regular consumption ensured health and long life. He was also credited with magical properties against the plague, while in the Languedoc, wearing nine gentian strands gathered back on the day of the Assumption before sunrise, made the fever pass. The root of the yellow gentian finally entered the composition of magic sachets for rituals of return of affection.
Yellow gentian grows mainly in the mountains (between 1000 m and 2500 m) in meadows and pastures with fairly dry or cool soils, and preferably calcareous soils.
The yellow gentian root is used for the manufacture of an alcohol. Not to be confused with the Verâtre blanc, poisonous plant for both man and livestock, whose flowers are greenish-white and leaves slightly hairy and alternating. The species frequently invades pastures because it is not grazed by animals; it is often mixed with Verâtre (very toxic). Yellow gentian has been widely used for its tonic, aperitif, and febrifuge properties in various syrups, potions, extracts, prepared in pharmacy. The properties of this plant are due to its bitter active ingredients. There are still some specialties containing extracts of gentian. In high doses, gentian can hinder digestion and induce vomiting. For the cow, it is a weed and she abandons it. His disdain is our happiness. It should be known that this perennial plant ignored ruminants has a surprising longevity. A half-century ! In the wild, gentian flowers for the first time in five to ten years. And yet, with wisdom, it does not bloom every year. It would exhaust him. During her long life, she has time to establish strong roots.
This flower is protected, do not pick it !
Gentian of Koch
Family : gentianaceae
Category : perennial
Height : 5 to 10 cm
Color : blue
Flowering : May to August
Habitat : between 2300 and 2900 m
Protection : yes
Toxicity : no
Frequency : rare
Perennial plant (5 to 10 cm), with more or less elongated stem. Leaves opposite, elliptic, soft, rosette at the base of the stem and on the stem. Solitary flowers, in large erect, deep blue bells, stained with green on the inside; sepals lanceolate, wider in the middle, separated from the corolla, united by a membrane.
Gentius, who lived around the year 150 JC; it was a king of Illyria who would have recommended a species of gentian to cure the plague.
Grows between 2300 and 2900 m above sea level on the southern slope (adret). It tolerates the cold but likes strong sun. It grows in grasslands, pastures and rock gardens.
The whole plant contains tonic and digestive substances. The leaves macerated in white wine give invigorating drinks. The roots have aperitive, tonic, bitter, stomatic and febrifuges virtues. It's a delight for our eye ! Its flowers open to the sunlight and close when the sky is overcast.
This flower is protected, do not pick it !
Spring gentian
Family : gentianaceae
Category : perennial
Height : 3 to 10 cm
Color : blue
Flowering : March to June
Habitat : up to 2800 m
Protection : yes
Toxicity : no
Frequency : rare
Herbaceous plant 3 to 10 cm tall with basal leaves oval and tapered arranged in a rosette. Stem bearing only a few opposite leaves and a flower 1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter; the pair of upper leaves is directly below the chalice. Welded in the shape of a tube, it ends in 5 pointed lobes and is weakly winged. The 5 blue petals are tapered and open flat.
Gentius, who lived around the year 150 JC; it was a king of Illyria who would have recommended a species of gentian to cure the plague.
The Alps and the Prealps, rare; dry meadows and pastures; on stony limestone soils; up to about 2800 m altitude.
In warm weather, Spring gentian can bloom a second time in the fall. The spring Gentian flower has the characteristic of folding its petals as soon as the wind becomes too violent. The qualifier "verna": spring, refers to the very early date of the flowering of this "Bouquet of Our Lady". It flowers early enough for its blue corollas to be used to dye eggs in countries where it is customary to hide them in the wild, to be searched by children.
This flower is protected, do not pick it !