Family : orchids
Category : perennial
Height : 15 to 30 cm
Color : pink
Flowering : June to July
Habitat : up to 1400 m
Protection : yes
Toxicity : no
Frequency : rare
A small plant with greyish-green leaves and short spiked flowers with a spread out, brown labellum with a blue area in the centre imitating an insect. The sepals are pink to white, spread out. Two short pink petals frame the anther box.
Ophrys means "eyebrow", referring to the hair of the labellum (the main petal of the flower), more or less hairy. Fuciflora comes from rockweeds which means "hornet" and flos, which means "flower", in allusion to the shape of the labellum. (Ophrys bumblebee = Ophrys hornet)
This orchid is found on lawns and in clear-woods. It prefers calcareous soils. It can be found up to 1400 m above sea level.
The Ophrys have the particularity of resembling insects through the shape of their labellum and their perfume. The males, deceived, then fertilize the flowers.
This flower is protected, do not pick it !