Classification : mammals
Order : carnivorous
Family : canids
Group : 5
Section : 1
Origin : U.S.A.
Use : sled dog
Weight : 15 to 28 kg
Size : 50 to 60 cm
Habitat : mountain, polar environment
Food : carnivorous / omnivorous
Breeding : during the "heat"
Litter : 2 to 8
Gestation : 63 days
Longevity : 12 to 13 years
Its body is moderately compact, covered with good fur, its straight ears and tail provided (in brush) evoke its Nordic heredity. Its characteristic look is unique and seemingly easy. The skull is of medium size and is proportionate to the body. The summit is slightly rounded. It goes gradually decreasing from the widest point to the eyes. The ears are of medium size, triangular in shape, close together and tied high on the head. They are thick, lined with good fur, slightly arched in their posterior parts, carried very straight. The slightly rounded tip points straight up. The eyes are fine, moderately spaced and arranged very slightly obliquely. The expression is lively but friendly, interested and even malicious, the eyes can be brown or blue. One eye of each color or the heterochromatic eye is allowed. The well-formed tail, which in the shape of the fox's brush tail, is attached just above the level of the top line and is usually worn over the back in a graceful curve, like that of a sickle, when the dog is attentive. When she is carried high. The tail does not curl on either side of the body and it should not fold flat against the back. The trailing tail is normal in the Siberian Husky at work or at rest. The hair of the tail is of medium length, it has approximately the same length on the top, the sides, the underside of the tail, giving the appearance of a round brush. The hair of the Siberian Husky is double and of medium length, giving a well-filled appearance but it is never so long as to harm the clearly drawn lines of the dog. The undercoat is soft and dense and of sufficient length for the coat hair. The cover hair is straight and somewhat lying down, it is never hard nor planted erect on the body. It should be noted that the absence of undercoat during moulting is normal. All colors accepted, from black to pure white. There are commonly various marks on the head, including many typical patterns that are not found in other breeds (Height at the withers: 53.5-60 cm).
The Siberian Husky is characterized by its kindness and the sweetness of its temperament; it is also awake and sociable. It does not have the possessive nature of a watchdog, does not show extreme mistrust of strangers, and is not aggressive towards other dogs. In the adult, one can find, to a certain extent, reserve and dignity. Its intelligence, its docility and its desire to please make it a pleasant companion and a worker full of goodwill. Husky barks but howls like wolves. It happens to run away.
The Husky ("Husky" in Canadian means "hoarse" and qualifies all draft dogs that exchange hoarsely hoarse, this term is no longer for this one breed, now) is native to Siberia where it does not doubt that it has origins in common with the wolf (physical resemblance, no barking but screams). The Siberian Huskies were used by a people close to the Eskimos, the Chukchis, to transport them to the vast snowy and icy areas.
A Russian fur trader imported from Siberia in 1909 the Siberian Husky to participate in the great Sweepstakes of Alaska, 650 km race. Its performances were such that a Scot, Fox Maule Ramsay, reported 70 subjects, ancestors current Siberian Huskies. It was only discovered late (which kept the purity of the breed) and imported into Alaska to participate in sled races.
The Husky gained popularity in January 1925 when, by -30 ° C, he delivered, instead of out-of-state airplanes, diphtheria serum to the city of Nome in Alaska. A group of dogs crossed the frozen Bering Strait and traveled for more than five days along the path necessary to save the grateful inhabitants.
Arrived in France in the mid-1970s, the success of the Siberian Husky was at its peak in the years 1980-1990.
The first standard dates from 1930 and the first club from 1938 in the United States.
The Siberian Husky has been known in Europe only since 1950 and the FCI (The International Cynological Federation is the World Canine Organization) It is composed of 80 member countries and partners under contract (one member per country) who each issue their pedigrees and The CFI guarantees the mutual recognition of judges and pedigrees in its member countries and recognizes it in 1966.
The nutritional requirements of all dogs are divided into energy (carbohydrates, lipids), proteins, minerals and vitamins.
The puppy's dietary needs are different from those of the adult.
Indeed, in addition to maintenance needs, the diet must ensure the specific needs for weight gain (sometimes very important in large breeds). A harmonious growth should allow, within a few months, to build a solid bone structure and muscle mass: this implies a balanced diet, very energetic, high digestibility and biological value, increased in proteins, vitamins and minerals. The diet is very different depending on the breed, the age and the way of life of your dog. The best is to consult a veterinarian.
This is the time for breeding.
The first heat, that is to say puberty, occurs around the age of 6 to 7 months in small bitches, and up to 18 months for giant bitches.
Bitches are in heat about twice a year.
Warm periods usually occur in the spring and fall, although bitches can get hot at any time of the year.
The heat period corresponds to two distinct physiological stages :
• Stape 1/ The pro-oestrus
This is the period during which the vulva is swollen and blood loss is observed; the bitch is already attracting males, but generally refuses breeding.
This period lasts on average nine days, but is very variable from one dog to another (between 2 and 25 days).
• Stape 2/ The oestrus
This is the real heat period that lasts about 3 to 21 days (9 days on average).
During this phase, the bitches accepts the male.
Ovulation occurs about 2 days after the onset of estrus.
Some bitches continue to have losses during this period.
These explanations highlight the great variability of the duration of heat in the bitch, accentuated by behavioral reactions (acceptance of the male, overlap ...) very variable from one individual to another.
This is why it is sometimes difficult to define exactly the right moment for the protrusion.
Once the male is selected, the appropriate timing of mating should be determined.
The two dogs can not be left together at the risk of exhausting the male or risking injury (fracture of the penis due to sudden attempts to protrude, the dog's penis contains a bone).
If the male is very available, we can leave them together between the 11th and 13th days after the onset of heat.
The protrusion should indeed be done about 48 hours after ovulation. This period corresponds to the ideal average date of bitches.
However, as we have seen above, there are large variations and the fact that the dog accepts the protrusion is not necessarily a sign of success.
It has a very constant duration in the bitch: 63 days (+ or -1 day) after ovulation.
The diagnosis of pregnancy can be made early by an ultrasound from the 25th day approximately.
There are no hormonal determinations in the female dog (type of pregnancy test in women) because the hormonal profile is very variable from one dog to another and is very close that the dog is pregnant or not.
X-rays can only be performed after 45 days of gestation.
However, it is prudent to wait 50 days to be sure to see all fetuses and assess their size relative to the size of the mother's pelvis, to know if puppies will be likely to get stuck during delivery ( which remains very rare in dogs).
The udders start to develop in the second half of pregnancy and the milk is present one week before the birth (only two to three days during the first litter).
This animal is not in danger. The only problem it may face is the abandonment of its masters who do not realize that this dog is inhabited by "the spirit of the North". It needs a lot of space. Anyway the abandonment is valid for all the dogs which unfortunately find themselves with "masters" IRRESPONSIBLE !
A dog is not a toy so think before adopting !!!!!!!!!!!!