Inhabitants : the Thononais
30 000 inhabitants approximately - Altitude : 435 m
Mountains around Thonon (altitudes at the highest point) :
Dent d'Oche : 2 222 m
Thonon is a city that has 1 twinning with :
Eberbach in Germany in 1961
At the edge of the vast Lake Leman, Thonon-les-Bains was born under the sign of water: multiple water recreation, flamboyant sunsets on the lake, cruises, but also hydrotherapy and mineral water. Backed by the Prealps of Chablais, Thonon-les-Bains is built in a natural amphitheater-shaped site, with 3 successive terraces. Switzerland is a stone's throw away ...
Take a cruise on Lake Leman or go for a cure at the Thonon thermal baths.
Do not hesitate to contact the tourist office of Thonon for any further information (housing, activities, ...)
Tourist Office Thonon
2 rue Michaud
Phone : 04 50 71 55 55 - e-mail : thonon@thononlesbains.com

For any information about Thonon, do not hesitate to visit this site.
Thonon official website : https://www.thononlesbains.com/fr/